Movies by Genre: Science Fiction
Results marked with a * have user comments.
- 'Round the World in 80 Days (1914)

- 1984 (1954)

- 1984 (1956)
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1972)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1973)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1985)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1993)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1999)

- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2002)

- 20000 lieues sous les mers (1907)

- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) *
- 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) *
- Akira (1988)

- Alas, Babylon (April 3, 1960)
* - Alien (1979) *
- Alraune (1918)

- Alraune (1928)

- Alraune (1930)
- Alraune (1952)
- Alraune, die Henkerstochter, genannt die rote Hanne (1918)

- Altered States (1980)
- And When the Sky Was Opened (December 11, 1959)

- Andromeda Strain, The (1971)
- Arena (1967)

- Around the World in 80 Days (1972)

- Around the World in 80 Days (1974)

- Around the World in 80 Days (1975)

- Around the World in 80 Days (1989) miniseries
- Around the World in 80 Days (1999)

- Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
- Around the World in Eighty Days (1956)
- Artificial Intelligence: A.I. (2001)
- At the Earth's Core (1976)
- Atlantide, L' (1920)

- Atlantide, L' (1932)
- Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000)
- Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, The (1953)
- Bicentennial Man (1999)
- Biggles: Adventures in Time (1986)
- Billion Dollar Brain (1967)
- Black Oxen (1924)

- Blade Runner (1982) *
- Blind Bargain, A (1922)

- Body Snatchers (1993)
- Boy and His Dog, A (1975)
- Boys from Brazil, The (1978)
- Brain Eaters, The (1959)
- Brave New World (1980)

- Brave New World (1998)

- Brazil (1985) *
- Buck Rogers (1939)
- Buck Rogers (1977)
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) TV series
- Burning Man, The (November 15, 1985)

- Button, Button (March 7, 1986)

- Can of Paint, A (2004)
- Caves of Steel, The (1964)

- Cerne slunce (1979)
- Changes, The (1975) TV series
- Charly (1968)
- Chelovek-Amfibiya (1962)
- Chelovek-nevidimka (1984)
- Children of Dune (2003) miniseries
- Clockwork Orange, A (1971) *
- Cold Equations, The (1988)

- Colossus: the Forbin Project (1970)
- Condorman (1981)
- Contact (1997) *
- Crayola Kids Adventures: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997)
, made for video - Cremators, The (1972)
- Damnation Alley (1977)
- Day of the Triffids, The (1962)
- Day of the Triffids, The (1981)

- Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951)
- Dead Run (February 21, 1986)

- Deadly Bees, The (1966)
- Demon Seed (1977)
- Destination Moon (1950)
- Devil Commands, The (1941)
- Devil's Alphabet (March 28, 1986)

- Don't Look Now (1973)
- Donovan's Brain (1953)
- Door In the Wall, The (1955)
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
- Dreaming is a Private Thing (1968)
* - Dune (1984) *
- Dune (2000) miniseries
- Electric Grandmother (1982)

- End of the World (1934)
- Enemy Mine (1985) *
- Examination Day (November 1, 1985)

- Eye Creatures, The (1965)

- Fahrenheit 451 (1966) *
- Fail Safe (2000)

- Fail-Safe (1964)
- Fin du monde, La (1931)
- Final Programme, The (1973)
- First Men in the Moon (1964)
- First Men in the Moon, The (1919)

- Flowers for Algernon (2000)

- Fly, The (1958)
- Fly, The (1986)
- Food of the Gods, The (1976)
- Frankenstein (1910)

- Frankenstein (1931)
- Frankenstein (1973)

- Frankenstein (1984)

- Frankenstein (1993)

- Frankenstein (2004)

- Frankenstein 90 (1984)
- Frankenstein Unbound (1990)
- Frau im Mond (1929)

- Freejack (1992)
- Fukkatsu no hi (1980)
- Fury, The (1978)
- Gemini Man (1976)

- Gift, The (1990) miniseries
- Girl in His Pocket (1957)
- Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything, The (1980)

- Give Us the Moon (1943)
- Görünmeyen adam Istanbul'da (1955)
- Gramma (February 14, 1986)

- Grand Tour: Disaster in Time (1992)

- Handmaid's Tale, The (1990)
- Hardware (1990)
- Harrison Bergeron (1995)

- Hauser's Memory (1970)

- Heavy Metal (1981)
- Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, The (1981) miniseries
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (2005)
- Homunculus der Führer (1916)
, serial - I Am Legend (2007)
- I of Newton (December 13, 1985)

- I, Robot (2004)
- Illustrated Man, The (1969)
- Immortal, The (1969)

- Immortality, Inc. (1969)

- Impostor (2002)
- Incredible Shrinking Man, The (1957)
- Incredible Shrinking Woman, The (1981)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
- Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957)
- Invisible Agent (1942)
- Invisible Man, The (1933)
- Invisible Man, The (1975)

- Invisible Man, The (2000)

- Island of Dr. Hibbert, The (November 3, 2002)
* - Island of Dr. Moreau, The (1977)
- Island of Dr. Moreau, The (1996)
- Island of Lost Souls (1933)
- It! The Terror From Beyond Space (1958)
- Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
- Journey Beneath the Desert (1961)
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959)
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (1977)
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (1989)
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (1993)

- Journey to the Center of the Earth (1999)

- Jurassic Park (1993)
- Killdozer (1974)
- Kôkaku kidôtai (1995)

- Krakatit (1947)
- Kurt Vonnegut's Monkey House (1991)

- Kybernetická babicka (1962)

- Lady and the Monster, The (1944)
- Land That Time Forgot, The (1975)
- Langoliers, The (1995)

- Last Days of Man on Earth, The (1973)
- Last Defender of Camelot, The (April 11, 1986)

- Last Lonely Man, The (1969)

- Last Man on Earth, The (1964)
- Lathe of Heaven, The (1980)

- Lathe of Heaven, The (2002)

- Liar! (1969)

- Lifeforce (1985)
- Little Black Bag, The (1969)

- Logan's Run (1976)
- Lost and Found (October 18, 1986)

- Lost Horizon (1937)
- Lost Horizon (1973)
- Lost World, The (1925)

- Lost World, The (1960)
- Lost World, The (1992)
- Lost World, The (1998)
- Lost World, The (2001)

- Lost World: Jurassic Park, The (1997)
- Lottery, The (1969)
- Lottery, The (1996)

- Love Letter, The (1998)

- Man Who Could Work Miracles, The (1936)
- Man Who Fell to Earth, The (1976)
- Marooned (1969)
- Martian Chronicles, The
- Martian Chronicles, The (1980) miniseries
- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
- Matango (1963)
- Matter of Minutes, A (January 24, 1986)

- Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992)
- Message From Charity, A (November 1, 1985)

- Metropolis (1927)
* - Metropolis (1984)

- Millennium (1989) *
- Minority Report (2002)
- Misfortune Cookie, The (January 3, 1986)

- Monde tremblera, Le (1939)
- Moonraker (1979)
- Mort en direct, La (1980)
- Mysterious Island (1951)
- Mysterious Island (1961)
- Mysterious Island (1975)
- Mysterious Island of Captain Nemo (1973)
- Mysterious Island, The (1929)
- Naked Lunch (1991)
- New Rose Hotel (1998)
- Next Voice You Hear, The (1950)
- Night of the Lepus (1972)
- Night of the Living Dead (1968)
- Night of the Living Dead (1990)
- Night Slaves (1970)

- Nightcrawlers (October 18, 1985)

- Nightfall (1988)
- Nightfall (2000) made for video
- Nightflyers (1987)
- Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)
- Nippon chinbotsu (1973)
- No Blade of Grass (1970)
- No Highway in the Sky (1951)
- Nothing But the Night (1972)
- Omega Man, The (1971) *
- On the Beach (1959)
- One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty (December 6, 1985)

- Overdrawn At the Memory Bank (1985)
- Paladin of the Lost Hour (November 8, 1985)

- Parcelle Brillante (1974)

- Paycheck (2003)
- People That Time Forgot, The (1977)
- People, The (1972)

- Phantoms (1998)
- Pitch Black (2000)
- Planet of the Apes (1968)
- Planet of the Apes (2001)
- Planète Sauvage, La (1973)

- Postman, The (1997)
- Project X (1968)
- Prophecy (1979)
- Puppet Masters, The (1994)
- Quiet Earth, The (1985)
- Reason (1968)

- Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen, Die (1919)

- Revenge of the Stepford Wives (1980)

- Riding with Death (1976)
- Riverworld (2003)

- Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)
- Rollerball (1975)
- Rollerball (2002)
- Running Man, The (1987)
- Saucer of Loneliness, A (September 27, 1986)

- Screamers (1995)
- Seconds (1966)
- Seven Days in May (1964)
- SF Shinseiki Lensman (1984)

- Shape of Things to Come, The (1979)
- Shatterday (September 27, 1985)

- Siren of Atlantis (1949)
- Six Million Dollar Man, The (1973)

- Skeleton on Horseback (1937)
- Slaughterhouse Five (1972)
- Solaris (2002)
- Solyaris (1972)
- Somewhere in Time (1980)
- Soylent Green (1973) *
- Sphere (1998)
- Stalker (1979)
- Stand, The (1994) miniseries
- Star, The (December 20, 1985)

- Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land (1983)

- Starship Troopers (1997)
- Stepford Children, The (1987)

- Stepford Wives, The (1975)
- Stepford Wives, The (2004)
- Swarm, The (1978)
- Szpital srzemienienia (1979)
- Tainstvennyy ostrov (1941)
- Target Earth (1954)
- TekWar (1994)

- TekWar: TekLab (1994)

- TekWar: TekLords (1994)

- Terminal Man, The (1974)
- Terminator, The (1984)
- Terror Is a Man (1959)
- Test Pilot Pirx (1979)
- The Tenth Victim (1965)
- Them (1970)
- They Live (1988)
- Thing From Another World, The (1951)
- Thing, The (1982)
- Things to Come (1936)
- This Island Earth (1954)
- Time and Teresa Golowitz (July 10, 1987)

- Time Machine, The (1949)

- Time Machine, The (1960)
- Time Machine, The (1978)

- Time Machine, The (2002)
- Timeline (2003)
- To See the Invisible Man (January 31, 1986)

- Tomei ningen (1954)
- Tommyknockers, The (1993)

- Tomorrow Calling (1993)

- Total Recall (1990)
- Toter sucht seinen Mörder, Ein (1962)
- Transatlantic Tunnel (1935)
- Trucks (1997)

- Tunnel Under the World, The (1966)

- Tunnel, Der (1933)
- Twilight People, The (1972)
- Twonky, The (1953)
- Un si joli village... (1979)
- Unidentified Flying Oddball (1979)
- V (1983)

- Viaje al centro de la Tierra (1976)
- Village of the Damned (1960)
- Village of the Damned (1995)
- Village of the Giants (1965)
- Voyage dans la lune, Le (1895)

- Voyage dans la lune, Le (1902)

- Voyage dans la lune, Le (1986)

- War of the Worlds, The (1953)
- War of the Worlds, The (2005)
- When the Wind Blows (1986)
* - When Worlds Collide (1951)
- Where Time Began (1976)
- Who Goes There? (1956)
- Who? (1973)
- Willard (1971)
- Willard (2003)
- Wong's Lost and Found Emporium (November 22, 1985)

- World, the Flesh and the Devil, The (1959)